TRO Essex Music Group, an affiliate of The Richmond Organization, has offered a complete range of music publishing services in every genre of American music since 1949. For the first time in over sixty years their robust song catalogue—with classics like Bart Howard’s “Fly Me To The Moon,” and Pete Seeger’s “We Shall Overcome”— has been given new life, online, in a website designed by C&G Partners. The form and function of the website reflect the company’s advocacy of musicians and their craft. Original album artwork, sheet music, handwritten notes, and other artifacts from the TRO Essex’s collection form the basis of the website’s visual design. The site’s functionality is developed around the company’s workflow: license requests are processed in a series of comprehensive and detailed online forms. Although it appears as a single entity, the website functions as 13 microsites tailored to each of the organization’s global offices. Along with the website C&G Partners created TRO Essex’s logo, set to animate when hovered over. Inspired by musical notations, the mark echoes the website’s emphasis on musical discovery and dissemination.