The C&G Partners studio


We believe in the untapped value of culture, the institutions that enrich it, and the smart companies that cultivate it. We build on that value to connect people, create community, and find meaning. To do this, we maintain deep expertise in multiple specialties, integrated under one roof: brand identity, digital experiences, exhibitions, print, signage and wayfinding, and websites.


We start every project with deep immersion, listening carefully for the genuine, in complex territories like the arts, science, faith and finance. We coax knotty ideas into narratives, then communicate the story with originality and style. The result authentically transforms how others see and relate to our client. And it transforms our client’s culture, revealing unrecognized value.

Creating Value

We believe culture is our most valuable asset, from the culture of the workplace to the culture of the arts. But it is intangible, existing as a set of created stories that a group shares. Creation of these stories is the creation of real value. Designing for culture is designing culture itself.


C&G Partners is run as an open atelier by a group of partners. The studio comprises designers, writers, architects, programmers, producers, content developers, technologists and operations specialists. We aim to be genuine, approachable, thoughtful, and independent. Visitors will usually find bikes, dogs, coffee mugs … and snacks at 3:30.


We are humbled by the hundreds of clients who have given us their trust.

  • American Express

  • Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

  • Bronx Zoo

  • City University of New York

  • Columbia University

  • Federal Reserve

  • Hearst

  • Helmsley Charitable Trust

  • JPMorgan Chase & Co.

  • Library of Congress

  • Major League Baseball

  • MasterCard

  • McKinsey

  • MoMA

  • NASA

  • National 9/11 Museum

  • National Park Service

  • New York Stock Exchange

  • New York Yankees

  • Rockefeller Foundation

  • Rockefeller University

  • Smithsonian

  • UCLA

  • US Holocaust Memorial Museum

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Honors & Press

We are grateful for the awards, honors and press we receive every year, from industry-level recognition to national-level press coverage.

  • ABC News

  • AAM MUSE Awards

  • American Institute of Graphic Arts

  • American Association of Museums

  • American Association of State and Local History

  • Art Director’s Club

  • Boston Globe

  • Communication Arts

  • Dexigner

  • Fast Company

  • General Services Administration

  • Graphic Design USA

  • Graphis

  • LA Times

  • Industrial Designers Society of America

  • National Design Award Finalists

  • National Endowment for the Humanities

  • New York Times

  • Print Magazine

  • Society for Experiential Graphic Design

  • Type Director’s Club

  • Washington Post

  • Web Marketing Association

  • The Webbys

See All


We are a team of graphic designers, architects, UX specialists, programmers, project managers, content developers and administrators, all working together in a single large collaborative studio. A multi-specialty firm is made of multi-specialty people: many of us have deep expertise in more than one discipline.

Laura Grady
Associate Partner
Chief Canine Officer
Daniel Fouad
Design Director
Will Twersky
Head of Research
Carlos Solis-Keyser
Head of Business Development
Nike Adewumi
Sarah Bigler
Alexandra Friedman
Caroline Gelb
Senior Producer
Chris Izaguirre
Rui Li
Rachel Lu
Carlos Mangado
Chris Mills
Design Director
Ashutosh Patil
IT Manager
Cathy Ratcliffe
Senior Producer
Katie Warner
Operations Manager & Video Editor
Yue Zhu


We would love to hear from you. A career at C&G Partners surrounds you with colleagues from virtually every discipline of design, working together on the same projects in a single studio environment. To see more about the life inside our studio, follow us at LinkedIn or Instagram.

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