The Mid-Atlantic Association of Museums (MAAM) addresses 21st-century museum challenges in their Annual Meeting 2019 in Hudson Valley from October 16-18. This year’s Annual Meeting features two of C&G’s Hudson Valley-based projects: the West Point Foundry Preserve interpretive installations designed for Scenic Hudson, and the interactive documentary People Not property: Stories of Slavery in the Colonial North developed for Historic Hudson Valley.

Led by studio Partner Keith Helmetag on Wednesday, October 16, a 1/2 mile offsite tour of the great early American ironworks turned scenic preserve will include historic sites and sculptural exhibits that interpret the West Point Foundry’s archeological features. The tour also looks at a compendium exhibit at the adjacent Putnam History Museum that makes use of video and stereoscopic-media. You can register for the tours and events for the MAAM Annual Meeting here.

On Thursday, October 17, the panel discussion “Hard History in the Hudson Valley: Telling the Story of Northern Slavery for a Digital Audience,” delves into the challenges of research, interpretation, and depiction encountered during this award-winning project that debunks myths around Northern slavery. Joining C&G’s Associate Partner, Leslie Dann, is Dr. Elizabeth Bradley, VP of Programs and Engagement, and Michael Lord, Director of Content Development and Delivery, at Historic Hudson Valley, among others.