Speaking on music and inspiration, Maya Kopytman joined industry leaders today at The One Club’s month-long series of live sessions, Creative Month.
“Design in its complexity is akin to music, it’s about shape, rhythm color, texture, time, and composition. But it is also deeply rooted, like music, in content and context… In both music and design, drama, tension, and resolution serve an important role,” Maya explains in the video with illustrations by Deborah Ross.

She illustrates the link between the mind’s RESTful state and creativity, and how live music and active listening sparks cognition.

The One Club’s Creative Month 2020 was a transformation of the annual in-person Creative Week in New York. Creative Month included more than 60 sessions with creative leaders from around the world streaming free of charge May 4-29. Sessions featured a wide range of original creative inspiration and professional development content specifically developed for a global online audience.