In conjunction with LIIF’s new branding, CGP restructured its website to better promote the organization’s goals and mission, highlight the programs and products it offers, and interlink those with impactful outcomes of LIIF’s activities. We created a narrative that promotes LIIF’s mission and highlights its results in three ways: by aligning LIIF’s programs, products and projects in the website hierarchy, then tagging supportive and related news posts to those elements, and finally showcasing strong statistics and personal accounts of LIIF’s impact on the community.
For the visual treatment, the website borrows the palette and bar chart motif of the logo, continuously reinforcing the upward direction that is so essential to creating a supported image of a financial institution. In addition to these elements, we designed a framework that features LIIF’s spectacular collection of photography, focusing on close-ups of people whose lives were changed as a result of LIIF’s initiatives.